اصلی پرونده (اس‌وی‌جی ِپرونده، ابعاد ۱٬۰۰۰ × ۶۰۵ پیکسل جه، پرونده قایده: ۳۵ کیلوبایت)


English: The flag of the city of Mount Dora, Florida, as designed by Laura Varich and adopted on June 14th, 2017.

Our city flag was raised on June 14, 2017, Flag Day, in front of City Hall at 10 a.m. In attendance were city, local, state and county officials. The Mount Dora Police Honor Guard presented and raised the flag while Mayor Nick Girone led the crowd in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Mayor Girone's Speech (PDF)

Council Member Slaby requested for City Council to permit him to make a presentation by Roman Mars via Youtube titled “Why city flags may be the worst-designed thing you’ve never noticed.” Council Member Slaby felt the city should consider creating a city flag and suggested at the October 18, 2016 meeting for Council to approve the City Manager implementing a flag submittal program. The City Manager arranged for the advertisement and rules to be placed on the website and administered the Flag program from January 2017 to March 22, 2017.

The submittals were then turned over to the Public Arts Commission on March 28, 2017. As the entries were displayed on the monitors in the boardroom, the Commission went through each of the 58 entries, discussed the criteria and explanations for each submission, and reviewed the rules and guidelines for the contest. The panel narrowed down the submissions based on a scale of one to five, with five being the top choice. With comments and viewpoints from each panel member being discussed, the top five finalists were selected. The panel then unanimously voted to pass along these selections for City Council members to vote on.

On April 27, 2017 the City Council was presented the top five (5) flag entries, the Council voted on the top two (2) flags. Once the top two (2) flags were selected the City Manager opened the sealed Flag Designs matching the selections and read into record the two (2) contestants.

The Flag Contest Winner is Laura Varich of Mount Dora Florida:

The Mount Dora Lighthouse is the only freshwater lighthouse in Florida and is an iconic site for the City. The lighthouse is the perfect spot to catch sunsets and has been the backdrop of thousands of pictures taken worldwide. The yellow in the flag represents our famous Mount Dora sunsets, the blue represents Lake Dora and the red and white represent the Lighthouse at Grantham Pointe, located along Lake Dora.

Council Member Slaby requested for City Council to permit him to make a presentation by Roman Mars via Youtube titled “Why city flags may be the worst-designed thing you’ve never noticed.” Council Member Slaby felt the city should consider creating a city flag and suggested at the October 18, 2016 meeting for Council to approve the City Manager implementing a flag submittal program. The City Manager arranged for the advertisement and rules to be placed on the website and administered the Flag program from January 2017 to March 22, 2017.

The submittals were then turned over to the Public Arts Commission on March 28, 2017. As the entries were displayed on the monitors in the boardroom, the Commission went through each of the 58 entries, discussed the criteria and explanations for each submission, and reviewed the rules and guidelines for the contest. The panel narrowed down the submissions based on a scale of one to five, with five being the top choice. With comments and viewpoints from each panel member being discussed, the top five finalists were selected. The panel then unanimously voted to pass along these selections for City Council members to vote on.

On April 27, 2017 the City Council was presented the top five (5) flag entries, the Council voted on the top two (2) flags. Once the top two (2) flags were selected the City Manager opened the sealed Flag Designs matching the selections and read into record the two (2) contestants.

The Flag Contest Winner is Laura Varich of Mount Dora Florida:

The Mount Dora Lighthouse is the only freshwater lighthouse in Florida and is an iconic site for the City. The lighthouse is the perfect spot to catch sunsets and has been the backdrop of thousands of pictures taken worldwide. The yellow in the flag represents our famous Mount Dora sunsets, the blue represents Lake Dora and the red and white represent the Lighthouse at Grantham Pointe, located along Lake Dora.

Adapted from https://ci.mount-dora.fl.us/DocumentCenter/View/10191/Mount-Dora-Flag-art

سازنده Laura Varich

این گرافیک با Inkscape و به‌دست v ساخته شده است .


Public domain
Public domain
This work was created by a government unit (including state, county, and municipal government agencies) of the U.S. state of Florida. It is a public record that was not created by an agency which state law has allowed to claim copyright and is therefore in the public domain in the United States.
Definition of "public record"

Public records are works "made or received in connection with the official business of any public body, officer, or employee of the state, or persons acting on their behalf, [which includes the work of] the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government and each agency or department created thereunder; counties, municipalities, and districts; and each constitutional officer, board, and commission, or entity created pursuant to [Florida] law or [its] Constitution" (Florida Constitution, §24) such as a work made or received pursuant to law or ordinance or in connection with the transaction of official business by any state, county, district, or other unit of government created or established by law of the State of Florida (definition of public work found in Chapter 119.011(12), Florida Statutes).

Agencies permitted to claim copyright

Florida's Constitution and its statutes do not permit any agency to claim copyright for "public records" unless authorized to do so by law. The following agencies are permitted to claim copyright (as well as trademarks) and any works of these agencies should be assumed to be copyrighted without clear evidence to the contrary:

Works by defunct state agencies may be copyrighted if these rights were transferred to a new or different agency (note that legislation transferring such right may not have been codified into Florida Statutes). For example, copyright in works by the Florida Space Authority may have been transferred to Space Florida. State and municipal government agencies may claim copyright for software created by the agency (§ 119.084, F.S. 2018).

In case law, Microdecisions, Inc. v. Skinner—889 So. 2d 871 (Fla. 2d DCA 2004) (Findlaw)—held that the Collier County Property Appraiser could not require commercial users to enter into a licensing agreement, holding that "[the agency] has no authority to assert copyright protection in the GIS maps, which are public records."

Note: Works that are considered "public records" but were not created by a state or municipal government agency may be copyrighted by their author; the Supremacy Clause of the United States Constitution prevents state law from overriding the author's right to copyright protection that is granted by federal law. For example, a state agency may post images online of the final appearance of a building under construction; while the images may be "public records", their creator (eg. architecture/construction firm) retains copyright rights to the image unless the contract with the agency says otherwise. See: Government-in-the-Sunshine Manual: To what extent does federal law preempt state law regarding public inspection of records?.

Disclaimer: The information provided, especially the list of agencies permitted to claim copyright, may not be complete. Wikimedia Commons makes no guarantee of the adequacy or validity of this information in this template (see disclaimer).
Florida seal
Florida seal


شرحی یک‌خطی از محتوای این فایل اضافه کنید
The flag of the city of Mount Dora, Florida

آیتم‌هایی که در این پرونده نمایش داده شده‌اند

توصیف‌ها فارسی

۱۴ ژوئن 2017

فایل تاریخچه

تاریخ/زمون‌ها سَر کلیک هاکنین تا اون گدِر ِنسخه ره هارشین.

إسا‏۱ نوامبر ۲۰۲۳، ساعت ۰۱:۱۹انگوس‌گتی عکس ‏۱ نوامبر ۲۰۲۳، ساعت ۰۱:۱۹ نسخه جه۱٬۰۰۰ در ۶۰۵ (۳۵ کیلوبایت)TymewalkUploaded a work by Laura Varich from Adapted from https://ci.mount-dora.fl.us/DocumentCenter/View/10191/Mount-Dora-Flag-art with UploadWizard

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